My Experience With the 3rd Point

by Father Anthony

I wanted to share my experience doing the work of the third point. When we scried the point as a group I was struck by the similarity of the visions we received. It really reinforced what we were doing, I thought. We all saw mountains and pyramids and other monumental objects, caves, and other similar images.
I saw a tunnel carved into a mountain. At the very pinnacle of the mountain there grew a single red rose. Inside was a man who showed me a heart, which was the word. HEART is 66. The following is a list of words from the King James Bible that also have a value of 66. I've made some notes about a few of them, but I think you can see how appropriate they are.
  • laying (in the tomb, 3rd degree Blue Lodge imagery)
  • calling
  • earth (buried in)
  • bone
  • raise (to the sublime [3rd] degree)
  • waketh
  • twigs (of acacia)
  • dagger
  • maim
  • lofty
  • gates (three gates in Solomon's temple)
  • rest
  • pearl
  • Hirams (two of them!)
  • rouse
  • pillar (the middle pillar of wisdom)
  • arise
  • charge
  • landmark
  • lump (to which we shall return)
  • Lamech (father of Noah, the first Mason)

A brief note about this whole process; You see a lot of contemporary video games that use procedural math to generate content that is unique in each iteration of the game. An example can be found in the popular indie game Minecraft, which I enjoy quite a bit. It works by starting with a random seed number and then applying that number to an algorithm in order to generate terrain that is different every time a new game is started. I think the Points system is essentially the same. We have an algorithm, the New Aeon English Kabbalah and the King James Bible, and our random seed is the word we receive while scrying. The terrain that is generated is the field of words to walk through and discover the available gems of wisdom contained therein. It's really quite beautiful.
But back to the third point. I then sent my report on to T Allen Greenfield so that he could check my work and verify that I had indeed done the work for that degree. He made the observation that the number 66 = 3, the number of the degree, by "Theosophical Reduction," which is pretty neat as well (6+6=12 1+2=3).
So there you have my journey for the third degree. We are pleased now to have the ability to verify all three of the principle degrees within Sothis Lodge, and we're looking forward to expanding our offering of available degrees as we go forward. Please comment if you have any thoughts about this degree or questions about how I interpreted the words, and feel free to share your own experiences with the degrees/points as you go through them.