Lodge Meeting September 11

As a reminder, we've agreed to hold our first gathering as Sothis Lodge on Sunday, September 11 at 4:00 pm in Jersey City.  

We'll begin with a Sothis Lodge Ritual to open the circle and to give the first point to each participant who hasn't already received it.  

The Rite will include an invocation of Papa Legba, keeper of the gates and guardian of the crossroads.  If you would like to bring an offering for Legba, he likes fresh fruits, hard candies, roasted peanuts, roasted corn, rum, pipe tobacco, and cigars.  His colors are black and red.  This will be a good opportunity to get acquainted with Atibon Legba, which is important since, as he is the gatekeeper, we will be working with him on many other occasions as well. 

After everyone gets the first point, we'll do a group scrying, followed by individual work at home, which we will discuss and share at the October Lodge Meeting.